아일랜드 숙소

아일랜드 모험을 위한 아늑하고 편안한 숙박 기지를 마련하세요!

중앙 위치

안전한 환경

주간 지원

모든 청구서 포함

All accommodations are within a 5-20 minute walking distance, but availability may vary. There is a mix of houses and apartments available with 5, 9, and 10 bedrooms. These accommodations come with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities.

For more information, please get in touch with your sales advisor.

더블린, 아일랜드

현재 사용할 수 없습니다!

코크, 아일랜드

Do you want to stay in one of the safest cities in Europe?

Single Room

Offering a private and comfortable space, the single room is ideal for students. The room is also equipped with a comfortable bed, a desk and lockers for personal belongings.

Twin Room

A twin room can accommodate more than one student and offers separate beds and a shared study area. The room also has personal lockers and usually a study area, so students can be comfortable while studying or relaxing.

Double Room

It is designed to accommodate a student with one large double bed, maximizing the student’s comfort zone. The room is equipped with a large study area and sufficient cupboards for personal belongings. Offering comfort and socialization, this room is suitable for both study and relaxation.

Galway & Limerick 아일랜드

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